Most states require that every automobile have a minimum amount of auto liability insurance. These numbers represent different limits on your auto insurance policy. If you have limits on your auto policy of 25/50/25, it means you have $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident and $25,000 property damage limits. If you cause an accident, your insurance will provide payments up to those limits to the other person(s) for the injuries/damage you caused to them or their property.
- Per person, the amount of insurance to pay for injury to others
- Per accident, the amount of insurance you have for the total accident
- Property damage, the amount of insurance you have to pay for the other persons car
Auto Insurance Terms
In case you want to better understand your personal auto insurance coverage, here are other terms to keep in mind.
- Bodily Injury: Bodily injury liability covers you in the event that you cause an accident in which another person (or people) is injured.
- Property Damage: Coverage in case your car damages someone else's property; usually this means someone else's car, but it could be a fence, building or other piece of property.
- Medical Payments: Medical Payments covers certain medical expenses if any vehicle occupants are injured in an accident.
- Collision Coverage: Collision coverage is an optional coverage that covers damage to your car caused by impact with another car or object.
- Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive car insurance coverage is also an optional coverage that covers damages to your car caused by something other than a collision; like theft, fire, etc.