Hopefully you will never be involved in an auto accident or need to file an insurance claim. Even the most careful and skilled drivers, however, can easily find themselves in the middle of a crash. Would you know what to do? Knowledge of what to do after the car accident can help make the
insurance claims process easier and smoother so that you are back on the road faster.
- Try to stay calm, stop your vehicle and check for injuries. The life and health of you, your passengers and the other people involved in the accident is far more important than the vehicle itself.
- If required, call the police and let them know of the accident, your location, how many people are involved, whether there are injuries and the types of injuries.
- You may wish to take reasonable steps to protect yourself, and your vehicle, from further damage. Where possible and if legal, move the autos to the side of the road and turn on your hazards as soon as it is safe.
- Obtain basic information
- how the accident occurred – sometimes a drawing is worth a thousand words and can help enhance what you’ve noted
- the type and location of damage to your car
- the type and location of damage to the other cars or property involved
- the names, addresses and contact information of all drivers and passengers involved in the accident
- driver’s license numbers and all the information on the licenses
- insurance identifications including the name of the insurance company and policy number
- the names, addresses and contact information of witnesses
Auto accidents take a significant toll on everyone involved. But, if you stay calm, make safety your priority and follow the above tips, you will get through the ordeal of being in an accident and submitting an
insurance claim.